Ivan Palacký (*1967) prepared dictaphones, guitar, amplified knitting machine Dopleta 160 |
A musician and architect. I.P. has played with various groups and taken part in several music projects. He was a member of the guitar/doublebass/bassoon group"Sledě, živé sledě/Herring, live herring" - and currently performes in a duo called "Tílko/Singlet" with Jennifer Helia DeFelice and audiovisual project of "Koberce, záclony" (Carpets Curtains) with Filip Cenek. He "writes" a sound diary from all his journeys - collects excerpts of stories, wierd sounds and various acoustic mistakes. He likes to take part in one-shot improvisational groups or duos (with Cremaster, Ruth Barberán and Margarida Garcia, Will Guthrie, Andrea Neumann, Klaus Filip...) as well as playing solo performances. As an architect he is interested in architecture without "building", in sociological methods in designing and in morphogenetic maps in digital architecture. |
excerpt from inteview with Pavel Klusák, in His Voice, 6/2005: |
...a kind of intuitive "chopping the time" is characteristic for my playing, I think, and also a tendency to reach a point when my understanding of how the the whole thing works blurs and I accept it instead of trying to get back before this point. I don´t care about the means of achieving this condition, which is also significant. The need to follow the tectonics of playing originates in my profession, architecture: desire for proportions and relationships among individual parts including the most difficult feature: "return points", subconsciously but precisesly placed, at which the whole mostly impalpably flowing sound situation changes and evolves... |
download cv.................... .rtf......>
contact: ipalacky@volny.cz
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